David A Flood
Scholar of Early Christian Textual Criticism, Manuscripts, and Digital Humanities

As scholar of an early Christian texts and manuscripts, I contribute broadly to the fields of New Testament textual criticism, papyrology, and Byzantine studies. I am most experienced with 2nd – 4th century papyri and Christian manuscripts from the 9th – 14th centuries. Please visit the the research page for more on my research as well as a list of my academic conference papers and publications.
As a software developer, I support both my own research and that of others engaged in early Christian texts and manuscript studies by creating and supporting a suite of applications both for working with textual data and helping to better integrate existing tools. Some of these tools are desktop applications, and others are web applications.
The combination of humanities research skills and supporting that research with bespoke software development also places me squarely in the new and growing field called digital humanities. The digital humanities is more than supporting humanities research with new computer tools but enabling previously impossible tasks and the creative use and visualization of research data.